What is the overall objective and scope of this training module?

The PSM Module is designed to help companies in developing countries make a first step towards improving working conditions and introducing minimum social standards. It is intended to be an “appetizer” to inspire companies towards further activities in the domain of Profitable Social Management (see Figure 1). The implementation of measures identified during the training will not lead to the establishment of a Social Management System[1] (SMS) but it will initiate key elements that could be further developed into an SMS or any type of integrated management system (including quality, environment, and social aspects).

Arguments that can induce companies to improve working conditions
and introduce minimum social standards:

There are two target groups for the training:

I)      Companies in developing countries with the following characteristics:

·         have industrial production

·         come from a single or multiple sectors

·         are in the formal sector (versus informal)

·         are not micro-enterprises

·         are willing to send 1 to 2 management representatives to the training

·         show real interest in the subject and are willing to take action (demonstrated by a written inscription in advance of the training)

·         agree to a company application (through site visit) during the training and to a follow up within 1-3 months after the training for monitoring/follow-up of the action plan and documentation of case studies.


II)    Local consultants who are interested in developing services with respect to Profitable Social Management and/or becoming a PSM trainer, with the following characteristics:

·         previous exposure to the Non-Product Output (NPO) concept[2]

·         experience working with companies, identifying strengths & weaknesses, evaluating improvement potential, and developing action plans


Who should participate?

·         8 companies, each sending 2 participants from management (e.g. production, purchasing, human resources, accounting)

·         5-6 local consultants

·         2-3 representatives of local institutions who provide necessary support for the organisation of the training and are interested in disseminating the module

·         Maximum: 25 participants per training module

·         1-2 trainers/facilitators and 1-2 translators (as required)



Figure 1:  The Programme at a Glance

Local Consultants

Companies + Local Consultants Participate

Local Consultants Participate

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9


Training of Enterprises
Part 1 - Introduction

Training of Enterprises
Part 2 – Site Visits

Morning: Local Consultants: Preparation for Evaluation of Site Visits

Afternoon: Training
of Enterprises
Part 3 – Evaluation of Company Application

Training of Enterprises
Part 3 – Evaluation of Company Application and Organisation of

Organisation of
Follow-up and Evaluation of Training

Preparation of Local Consultants

- training
  objectives &
- definitions &
- background on
  social standards

Inductive Approach
- case studies,
  group work

Company Application
(Site Visits)
- interaction &
  data-gathering in
- go over 6 steps
  of evaluation
- developing
  action plans
- documenting
  case studies
- clarify roles &

Training for
Site visits

- objectives of
- overview of
  programme &
  way of working

Exercise: Case Study Old Fritz

Group work & plenary



Evaluation of Greeting cards

Group work & plenary

Application in Companies

Site Visit:
Company 1+2

Identification of strengths & optimisation potential vis-à-vis NPO + working conditions/social standards

Application in Companies

Site Visit:
Company 5+6

Identification of strengths & optimisation potential vis-à-vis NPO + working conditions/social standards

Preparation for Evaluation of Results (trainers + local consultants)

List of strengths & optimisation potentials
- prepare an initial
  flipchart for each
  company through
  amongst trainers
 + local consultants

(=external view)





Company teams
- continue
- calculate costs &
- develop action

Training of Local Consultants

- carrying out
  follow-up visits to
  companies to
  monitor results
  & document
  case studies
- organising &
  moderating a
  Network Meeting

Next Steps
- identify next steps
- allocate roles
- clarify tasks &

Training Elements
- review content
  & aims
- role of local




Network Meeting
- review Action
  Learning Set
- discuss follow-up
  & organisation of
  network meeting

Simulation Exercise:
Greeting Cards

Group work





Preparation of company
- objectives of
  site visits

- develop flow

- Introduce

- Organisation of
  site visits

Daily Evaluation

Site Visit:
Company 3+4

Identification of strengths & optimisation potential vis-à-vis NPO + working conditions/social standards

Site Visit:
Company 7+8

Identification of strengths & optimisation potential vis-à-vis NPO + working conditions/social standards

Evaluation of Results in Plenary

Company groups
evaluate the
  experience from
  the site visits in
  several steps
  following the
  PREMA Cycle of

Daily Evaluation

- present & discuss
  plans (info market)

Role Play Exercise: Communicating different interests & managing conflict

Evaluation of Training & Closing

Evaluation of Training
- feedback to
  trainers on
  missing elements
- identify needs for
  further support &

What are the Requirements for Local Preparation, Delivery, and Follow-up?

Local Partner:

·         Act as interface with the trainer(s) for the organisation and delivery of the training

·         Secure local institution to prepare and organise of the training

·         Organise translation of training materials beforehand, and during the training (if and where needed); organise translator

·         Provide administrative support if needed (invitation of participants, copying of materials, provision of training equipment and materials, etc.)

·         Participate in briefing and debriefing meetings

Local Organising Institution (may be same as local partner) :

·         Use case studies provided in the training materials to inform companies about the aims and intended results of the training to create interest in participation

·         Secure the participation of about 8 companies by written inscription
- in addition to the usual communication by telephone/fax, this will require site
  visits to ensure that the selected companies fit the criteria (i.e. that it will be
  possible for participants to identify NPO and improvement potentials related to
  working conditions, that there is a real interest of entrepreneurs to take action,
  agree to have a PSM application in the company through a site visit)

·         Identify and secure the participation of 5-6 local consultants, including written inscription, if possible with previous PREMA (Good Housekeeping) experience

·         Identify and secure an appropriate venue for the training

·         Organise transport to the companies for the site visits

·         Handle administrative tasks (copying of participant materials, provision of overhead projector, beamer, flipcharts, pin-boards, coloured pens, coloured cards)

·         Provide a budget for local costs

·         Participate in the training itself in order to provide backstopping and support in the follow-up period, and to promote the module to other interested parties, eventually including training of own trainer staff

·         Participate in briefing and debriefing meetings

·         Accompany the local consultants in monitoring and following-up the participating companies to document experiences and results achieved in the form of case studies

·         Organise a 1-day Network Meeting 2-3 months after the training; engage a qualified local moderator experienced in using the Action Learning Set methodology and running a Network Meeting

·         Facilitate subsequent Network Meetings, according to the interest of the participating companies (encouraging the benefiting companies to make in-kind contributions for the venue and to cover the costs of the moderator)

[1]   An SMS introduces a structure and process into an organisation that supports compliance and continuous improvement in basic standards that have been set down with respect to social management.

[2]   NPO consists of all materials, water, and energy which are used in the production process, but do not end up in the final product desired by the customer. Working conditions can have an influence on the output of production and the creation of NPO. This represents an important improvement potential for a company.